Three Certification Levels
Before application for certification can be accepted, a breast center needs to be a participant in the NQMBC™ program by completing Phase I which contains basic profile data about the breast center and entering the needed measures specific to your profile.
Participants in the NQMBC™ Program will have the opportunity to ultimately become a Certified Quality Center of Excellence. This is the highest level of certification and recognition. Each certification level has minimum performance and participation criteria that must be met before application for certification can be made. A brief overview of the certifications is reflected below and contains a link with further information about each certification level and when and how to make an application.
Certified Participant
After meeting the participation guidelines, and becoming a designated NQMBC™ participant, the breast health facility is eligible to make application to become a Certified Participant.
In addition to meeting the requirements to become a Participant, the Certified Participant must have supplied data for 40% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance. Learn more about certification criteria.
Certified Participants can have a news release sent to their area media sources announcing that their breast center has placed the quality care of their patients as a priority. Each Certified Participant will be listed on the NQMBC™ website. The NCBC offers, as part of this certification the opportunity for the Certified Participant to obtain a beautiful 9″ four prism recognition award. It is hoped the award will be displayed in a prominent place for patients to view, emphasizing the priority their center has placed on their patients quality care.
Certified Quality Breast Center
Application for a Certified Quality Breast Center may be made after becoming a Certified Participant in the NQMBC™ Program. In addition to the requirements to become a Certified Participant, the Certified Quality Breast Center applicant must have supplied 75% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance. The center should also have performed above the 25th percentile. Learn more about certification criteria.
Certified Quality Breast Centers may have a press release sent to them for area media highlighting their services and this new designation. Each Certified Quality Breast Center will be listed on the NQMBC™ website. This certification also offers the Certified Participant a beautiful 12″ four prism recognition award. It is hoped the award will be to display in a prominent place for patients to view, emphasizing the priority their center has placed on providing their patients quality care.
Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence
The highest certification level – that of a Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence is achieved by meeting the highest set of certification criteria.
In addition to the requirements to become a Certified Participant, the Certified Quality Breast Center applicant must have supplied 90% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance and performed above the 25th percentile. Learn more about certification criteria.
Certified Quality Breast Centers of Excellence may have a press release sent to their area media highlighting their center as attaining the highest quality certification level. Each designated center will be listed on the NQMBC™ website. This certification offers the Certified Participant a beautiful 14″ or 16″ nine-prism recognition award to display alongside their Certified Participant and Certified Quality Breast Center awards. It is hoped that patients will see these awards and recognize that their center has attained the highest level of commitment the breast center has placed to providing quality care to its patients.
A NCBC facility membership is required for all levels of participation.