Certified Participant
This certification recognizes a breast center’s entry level participation in the NQMBC™ program. After meeting the participation guidelines, and holding the designation of NQMBC™ Program Participant, the breast health facility is eligible to make application to become a Certified Participant.
Designation Guidelines
- The breast center must have a NCBC facility membership and hold an NQMBC™ Program Participant designation
- The breast center must have supplied data for 40% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance
- This quality data being considered for evaluation must span two consecutive data collection periods. (A data period is a six-month range during which time data is collected according to the parameters of the indicator.)
- These two consecutive data collection periods being audited for certification must be within the last three years.
- After the initial certification at this level, the two consecutive data periods being audited for certification must be after the two consecutive data collection periods and within the last two year’s data. A data period may be audited only once for certification.
- The facility is required to make application to become certified at this level.
- The facility must agree to maintain data used to answer NQMBC™ questions for a minimum of three years. This data may be requested in random audits to confirm valid responses.
- The facility must agree to a random audit of the submitted data for review by the NQMBC™. The NCBC will, at their discretion, choose ONE question in a specific time period to be audited. If requested, the facility must agree to submit de-identified data used to confirm correct procedures were used to answer this question. Audits will not occur frequently and will be used to confirm valid answers to quality measures.
Designation Process
- The NCBC office acknowledges receipt of the application
- The NCBC notifies the center of the Review Panel’s findings regarding certification
- The NCBC, upon breast center certification, will send recognition materials to the contact person
Designation Recognition
- The NCBC will send a letter of acknowledgement and congratulations
- The NCBC will send a Certified Participant Certificate valid for one year (initial certification is for a one-year period)
- The Certified Participant will be listed on the NQMBC’s website as a Certified NQMBC™ Participant
- The Certified Participant may order a beautiful 9″ four prism recognition award to display in the breast center lobby
Guidelines Applicable to ALL Certification Levels
- The facility is required to make application to become certified at this level. Annual applications are required to maintain certification.
- NCBC facility membership is required throughout.
- The facility must agree to maintain data used to answer NQMBC™ questions for a minimum of three years. This data may be requested in random audits to confirm valid responses.
- The facility must agree to a random audit of the submitted data for review by the NQMBC™. The NQMBC™ will, at their discretion, choose ONE question in a specific time period to be audited. If requested, the facility must agree to submit de-identified data used to confirm correct procedures were used to answer this question. Audits will not occur frequently and will be used to confirm valid answers to quality measures.
Certified Quality Breast Center
This certification recognizes a center’s quality performance as meeting quality standards criteria. In addition to the requirements to become a Certified Participant, the Certified Quality Breast Center applicant must have supplied 75% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance.
Designation Guidelines
- The breast center must hold a Certified Participant designation and maintain their NCBC facility membership.
- The breast center must supply data for 75% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance
- This data must span two consecutive data collection periods. (A data period is a six-month range during which time data is collected according to the parameters of the indicator.)
- These two consecutive data collection periods being examined for certification must be within the last three years.
- For subsequent certifications, the two consecutive data periods must be after the two consecutive data collection periods and within the last two year’s data. A data period may be used only once for certification.
- In addition to completing 75% of the measures, the facility must have performed above the 25th percentile on 75% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance during the two consecutive data collection periods being examined for certification.
- To substantiate data entry, the facility must submit de-identified raw data for two measures for which data was supplied. The first set of de-identified raw data shall be for one measure in the first consecutive data collection period; the second set of de-identified raw data shall be for one measure from the second consecutive data collection period. The NQMBC™ will identify the measures to be audited.
*See below for additional guidelines that apply to all certifications
Designation Process
- The NCBC office acknowledges receipt of the application
- The NCBC notifies the center of the Review Panel’s findings regarding certification
- The NCBC, upon breast center certification, will send recognition materials to the contact person
Designation Recognition
- The NCBC will send a letter of acknowledgement and congratulations
- The NCBC will send a Certified Quality Breast Center Certificate valid for one year (initial certification is for a one-year period)
- The Certified Quality Breast Center will be listed on the NCBC’s web site as a Certified NQMBC™ Quality Breast Center
- The Certified Quality Breast Center may order a beautiful 12″ four prism recognition award for display in the breast center lobby or display case next to the Certified Participant Award
Guidelines Applicable to ALL Certification Levels
- The facility is required to make application to become certified at this level.
- The facility must agree to maintain data used to answer NQMBC™ questions for a minimum of three years. This data may be requested in random audits to confirm valid responses.
- The facility must agree to a random audit of the submitted data for review by the NQMBC™. The NQMBC™ will, at their discretion, choose ONE question in a specific time period to be audited. If requested, the facility must agree to submit de-identified data used to confirm correct procedures were used to answer this question. Audits will not occur frequently and will be used to confirm valid answers to quality measures.
Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence
This is the highest certification level. This certification recognizes a center’s quality performance as meeting quality standards criteria. In addition to the requirements to become a Certified Quality Breast Center, the Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence applicant must have supplied 90% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance.
Designation Guidelines
- The breast center must hold a Certified Quality Breast Center designation and maintain their NCBC facility membership.
- The facility must supply data for 90% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance
- This data must span two consecutive data collection periods. (A data period is a six-month range during which time data is collected according to the parameters of the indicator.)
- These two consecutive data collection periods being examined for certification must be within the last three years.
- For subsequent certifications, the two consecutive data periods must be after the two consecutive data collection periods and within the last two year’s data. A data period may be used only once for certification.
- In addition to completing 90% of the measures, the facility must have performed above the 25th percentile on 90% of the measures for which their quality breast center type should be able to measure performance during the two consecutive data collection periods being audited for certification.
- To substantiate data entry, the facility must submit de-identified raw data for six measures, which will be chosen by the NCBC.
- The first set of de-identified raw data shall be for three measures in the first consecutive data collection period; the second set of de-identified raw data shall be for three measures from the second consecutive data collection period.
*See below for additional guidelines that apply to all certifications
Designation Process
- The NCBC office acknowledges receipt of the application
- The NCBC notifies the center of the Review Panel’s findings regarding certification
- The NCBC, upon breast center certification, will send recognition materials to the contact person
Designation Recognition
- The NCBC will send a letter of acknowledgement and congratulations
- The NCBC will send a certificate valid for one year
- The Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence will be listed on the NCBC’s website as a Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence
- The Certified Quality Breast Center of Excellence may order a beautiful 14″ or 16″ nine prism recognition award to display in the breast center lobby or display case next to the Certified Participant and Certified Quality Breast Center Awards
Guidelines Applicable to ALL Certification Levels
- The facility is required to make application to become certified at this level. Annual applications are required to maintain certification.
- NCBC facility membership is required throughout.
- The facility must agree to maintain data used to answer NQMBC™ questions for a minimum of three years. This data may be requested in random audits to confirm valid responses.
- The facility must agree to a random audit of the submitted data for review by the NQMBC™. The NQMBC™ will, at their discretion, choose THREE questions in a specific time period to be audited. If requested, the facility must agree to submit de-identified data used to confirm correct procedures were used to answer this question. Audits will not occur frequently and will be used to confirm valid answers to quality measures.